Eva Gonggrijp


Project details

Macrophotography in VR. By capturing the interiors of a dollhouse with a custom camera-rig, together with Eva Gonggrijp, we were able to highlight all the beautiful details of the dollhouse that Eva’s grandmother built for her when she was a child. The captures, after stitching, were turned into a narrative. Within that narrative, Eva combined the VR-footage with old recordings to bring the environment back to life.

Using the custom-rig, with its own workflow, we managed to capture all the objects sharply, which was quite the challenge of working with miniature objects. But the technical achievements, creating a small form factor and finding a solution for VR-macrophotography were a secondary part of the project. The first was to look at the creative purpose. Because we believe technology should follow that lead.



Partner: Eva Gonggrijp
Duration: 5 minutes
Application: Art Installation


Photos at VondelCS by Richard Tolmeijer


VR Installatie ‘Souvenir’ in het MediaCafé

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What started out as a dream, seemed to become a nightmare when I saw the results that a consumer 360 camera came up with. Many VR-experts told me it was simply impossible to capture the miniature objects well in VR. Except Avinash Changa, he put together a custom-rig and laid out an extensive plan to capture all rooms in all the different light set-ups I envisioned. The result is breath-taking.

Eva Gonggrijp