Virtual Reality offers incredible experiences, but is largely focused on individual users. Others in the room see someone wearing a strange headset, and are excluded from participation. This problem has been solved by WeMakeVR.
WeMakeVR’s HoloJump-system makes VR more social; it transforms a meetingroom, office cafeteria, factory floor or other space into a virtual world where multiple users can experience training programs, games or other simulations together, without requiring costly permanent installations. An educational game and an entertainment experience are the first two VR-programs running on the system, to be released in January. Other applications, amongst which corporate training programs and art/music applications are currently in development, to be released summer 2023.
Note for members of the press: a press preview of the system is available on Tuesday Dec. 20th. Please contact press [at] WeMakeVR [dot] com for more information.