
The Da Vinci Effect

Project details

The DaVinci Effect is the first VR experience that allows players to physically be in a virtual world together. This makes VR a truly social, shared experience. Cooperation in VR creates a very effective learning experience.

Students age 10 to 13, and their teachers of parents, go back in time together, and discover Leonardo Da Vinci’s workshop. The Da Vinci Effect turns any large classroom or school gym into a virtual world of discovery!

The experience can be rented for use in schools. No advanced computer / tech expertise is needed; with the user manual any teacher can learn how to set up and run the game.

The game takes 7 to 9 minutes to complete on average, but teacher can give players more time if so desired.

More info: Sales@WeMakeVR.com


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"If you're teaching history, you can really go back in time. Then you can really teach children something different."

"I think this is more motivating than doing assignments from books together. It is more fun, playful and motivating when you do this together."
- Teachers visiting the Cinekid Festival schooldays