Stereo experiment

Bloody Mary

Project details

Our own lead producer Diede Bron is the star of one of our VR experiments: Bloody Mary. While recently discussing the endless possibilities for scenes that encompass the viewer in 360 degrees, one of our creatives came up with the idea to place the viewer between a person and a mirror. This puts you in a very special position, where you check back and forth between both spots to see if the actions of the protagonist in front of you are matched in the mirror. Giving this a horror twist cranks the tension up as well as making it perfect for a Friday the 13th release!
With the use of a very high-quality stereoscopic camera setup, this creates an intense and immersive experience. Exactly how we filmed it is for the VR enthusiasts to figure out. Click here to download Bloody Mary for your VR headset.


Release date: January 13th 2017
Camera used: RED Dragon Stereo Pair

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